Health & Beauty

Antioxidant in Olive Oil Proven to Kill Cancer
By now, the diverse health benefits of olive oil are widely known, but perhaps one of the most profound discoveries is that olive oil could be useful in preventing and fighting cancer. No wonder people in the Mediterranean live so long! A study by Rutgers University and published in Molecular and Cellular Oncology found that one of …

Phenols in EVOO May Protect Bone Mass
A recent article based on review of 37 scientific studies reports that the phenols in extra virgin olive oil may prevent loss of bone mass. Another study that evaluated three groups of elderly men over a two-year period. Only the group with extra intake of olive oil had increased levels of serum osteocalcin and procollagen …

Ingredient in Olive Oil Kills Cancer Cells
Hippocrates said, “Let thy food by thy medicine.” Looks like he was right. By now, most people think of the Mediterranean diet and pure extra virgin olive oil as part of a healthy lifestyle. We know that antioxidants are supposed to be good for us. But did you know that an antioxidant in EVOO …